Common Messages

1. The system is currently unavailable.  Please try again in a few minutes.



2. User locked out due to invalid attempts - contact next higher security.



3. Invalid Organization / User ID / Password Combination Entered.  Please Correct and Reenter.



4. You already logged in.  Do you want to close your old session and create a new one?



5. Password Expired - Please contact next higher security.



6. Your account has been locked - Please contact next higher security.



7. You must first log in before using the system.



8. You have been logged out successfully.



9. System Error.  Please login again.



10. You have been logged out of the system.  Please login again.



11. Invalid Password Information Entered.  Please correct and reenter.



12. New password cannot be the same as the last three passwords.



13. Please Enter a Valid Qualifying Question and Answer.



14. Enter Valid Document Number.



15. Invalid PED entered.



16. Invalid ARC Number entered.



17. No matching documents found in your search.



18. Error Running Report.  If error persists please contact Administrator.