Add a User

Use this form to create a new user profile for an member of your organization. Complete the fields as indicated. Some helpful information is included below:


  1. Organization Number: Enter your organization’s home office or branch office eight-digit ARC number (for agents) or three-digit carrier code (for carriers.)

NOTE: If you enter the home office location, the user will have access to transaction information for all agency locations. To restrict a new user to viewing location-specific information, that location number should be entered. (If desired, you set up multiple User IDs for a single user for viewing of multiple or all locations.)

  1. User ID: The User ID must be 6-8 alpha numeric characters (letters or numbers) and the first character must be a letter.

  2. Level of Security: Select Supervisor, Security Manager, or User level

  3. Masking Options: Select the appropriate settings for the viewing of Credit Card and passenger name information. For new Security Manager or Supervisor profiles, you may also provide or restrict the authority to change masking settings for other users.

  4. Name: Enter the first and last name of the new user.


NOTE: All other fields on this form are optional.

  1. After entering the required information, click the Add button. (If you make a mistake, you can click Reset to clear the form and start over.)

  2. If the form is complete, you will be presented with the new user’s temporary password. Provide your new user with their user ID and temporary password. (Upon initial login, they will be required to change their user ID and password.)

  3. Click the Main Menu button to return to the main menu, Add Another User button to add another user, or Logout to log out of the system.


It is important that you use appropriate security measures when providing your new user with their account information.